We’re very grateful that we’re able to develop our park in Le Grau d’Agde. Close to the beaches and the sea, we’re working on a first class resort for both tourists from France and all other countries.
Whenever we come to a new places, we don’t just start building something. We research the surroundings, so we can create something that suits the area. We’re searching for the soul of the place, the *genius loci*. That helps us to develop something that actually improves the area.
Near the fishing village of Agde, where we will open our new holiday park, you find the "Etang de Thau" lagoon. The charm of the place lies in its many Mediterranean hues and rich nature.
Roompot will develop a 50th park in France next year. For the first time in the history of Europe’s second largest provider of holiday parks, this time it is not a partner park, but the first one in France that Roompot will open and operate itself.
The Canal du Midi is one of the oldest canals in Europe and is still used a lot, but mainly for recreational boating. This UNESCO World Heritage canal was designed by tax official Pierre-Paul Riguet.